Jesus Changes People
A weekly podcast that seeks to uncover the real Jesus and what it means to be a modern-day follower of him. Our goal is to help you know Jesus better and to become more like him.
163 episodes
The Wait Is Over
Mike and Ken are in their first season of a trilogy of seasons, this season is focused on Christ In Us. In this episode, they look at two verses that come from letters authored by the apostles, Peter and Paul. These verses share the anticipatio...
Season 10
Episode 163

How We Know Christ Is In Us
Ken and Mike are in their first season of a trilogy of seasons, this season is focused on Christ In Us. In this episode, they look at three verses that come from letters authored by the apostle John. All of these verses tell us that we know Chr...
Season 10
Episode 162

Is Christ In You?
Mike and Ken start the first season in their trilogy of seasons, this season is focused on Christ In Us. In this episode, they will look at two verses that talk about examining to see if Christ is in us and testing to see if He’s in others. In ...
Season 10
Episode 161

Intro To Christ In Us, Together With Christ, and Us In Christ
Ken and Mike start their 10th season with an intro for seasons 10, 11, and 12. This trilogy of seasons will cover three theological topics that are closely related, but that have distinctives which are important to understand for each Christian...
Season 10
Episode 160

The Power Of Maybe
The guys are spending a couple of their holiday season episodes with a New Year’s focus on the power of yes, no, and maybe. In this episode, Ken and Mike conclude their holiday season with the power of maybe. They discuss waiting on God, who Go...
Season 9
Episode 159

The Power Of No
The guys are spending a couple of their holiday season episodes with a New Year’s focus on the power of yes, no, and maybe. In this episode, Mike and Ken explore the power of no. They discuss how we say no, what we say no to, who helps us say n...
Season 9
Episode 158

The Power Of Yes
The guys shift in their holiday season from the Christmas focus of God with us to a New Year’s focus on the power of yes, no, and maybe. Ken and Mike will spend the three remaining episodes in this season on yes, no, and maybe. In this episode,...
Season 9
Episode 157

The fifth and final episode in the God with us portion of the third Jesus Changes People holiday season. Mike and Ken’s focus this season comes from a verse in the Christmas story, Matthew 1:23, that tells us they will call him Immanuel, which ...
Season 9
Episode 156

The fourth episode in the God with us portion of the third Jesus Changes People holiday season. Ken and Mike’s focus this season comes from a verse in the Christmas story, Matthew 1:23, that tells us they will call him Immanuel, which means God...
Season 9
Episode 155

Zechariah And Elizabeth
The third episode in the God with us Christmas season. Mike and Ken’s focus this season comes from a verse in the Christmas story, Matthew 1:23, that tells us they will call him Immanuel, which means God with us. What does it mean for God to be...
Season 9
Episode 154

Ken and Mike continue with their third Christmas season. Their focus in this season comes from a verse in the Christmas story, Matthew 1:23, that tells us they will call him Immanuel, which means God with us. What does it mean for God to be wit...
Season 9
Episode 153

Mike and Ken kick-off season 9 with their third Christmas season. In this season, their focus comes from a verse in the Christmas story, Matthew 1:23, that tells us they will call him Immanuel, which means God with us. What does it mean for God...
Season 9
Episode 152

Best Of Did You Knows Vol. 3 - Thanksgiving Edition
Ken and Mike release another Best of Did You Knows. The Did You Know segments of Jesus Changes People is the time in the show when the guys share facts about the Bible, Christian History, and Christian Oddities. Some of the Did You Knows in thi...
Season 8
Episode 151

Wrapping Up Galatians
Mike and Ken review some of the key elements from season 8’s trip through the book of Galatians. They discuss what we’ve learned in Galatians through the lense of three types of people: the pre-Christian, the fleshly Christian, and the spiritua...
Season 8
Episode 150

All In
Mike and Ken have reached the last three verses of the book of Galatians. These are Paul’s closing sentences of the letter he wrote himself. As with all of his letters, these aren’t just pleasantries. Ken and Mike discuss the rule, Israel, wher...
Season 8
Episode 149

The Cross Of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Ken and Mike downshift and only tackle two verses in this episode. Paul packs some important elements in these verses, and the guys wanted to spend the necessary time to discuss them in detail. What are these items? The cross and the new creati...
Season 8
Episode 148

Character Sketch Of A Legalist
In this next section, Paul wants us to know it’s him writing, so he points out the size of the letters he’s using. He also wants us to know what a legalist looks like, and he’ll give us the clearest picture he has in this letter in verses 12 an...
Season 8
Episode 147

Sowing And Reaping
Paul’s next section of writing in Galatians is straightforward and covers three distinct areas: the care of those who teach, the principal that what is reaped comes from what one sows, and doing good. Mike and Ken discuss the value of preaching...
Season 8
Episode 146

Who’s Responsible for What?
Chapter 6 continues Paul’s thought at the end of chapter 5, which was focused on the interactions Christians have between each other. He talks about how to handle someone caught in wrongdoing, bearing each other’s burdens, and bearing our own l...
Season 8
Episode 145

Best Of Did You Knows Vol. 2 - Theme Park And Mini Golf Edition
Ken and Mike’s sophomore release of Best of Did You Knows. The Did You Know segments of Jesus Changes People is the time in the show when the guys share facts about the Bible, Christian History, and Christian Oddities. The Did You Knows in this...
Season 8
Episode 144

Living By The Spirit
The last 5 verses of chapter 5 describe what it means to live and walk in the Spirit. This is a breath of fresh air following the works of the flesh. Mike and Ken discuss the fruit of the Spirit in contrast to the works of the flesh and that th...
Season 8
Episode 143

The Flesh
Following the description of the war between the flesh and the Spirit, Paul transitions to a list of the acts of the flesh. This list isn’t to be kept legalistically, but to understand what kind of life the flesh produces. It’s important to und...
Season 8
Episode 142

This Is War
In 2 short verses, Paul succinctly describes the interplay between the flesh and the Spirit. He follows that up by once again describing the either or relationship between living by the Spirit and living under the law. Follow along with Mike an...
Season 8
Episode 141

The Self Indulgent, The Cannibal, And The Free
Verse 13 begins the high point of the Galatian letter, which will continue until verse 26. In 13-26, Paul will describe how the Holy Spirit enables us to live free. In this episode, Ken and Mike will only tackle verses 13-15. Focusing on what P...
Season 8
Episode 140

The Troublemakers
In this next section, Paul uses visual descriptions to drive his point home to the Galatians. One about running, one about baking, and one about a surgical procedure. From these, Mike and Ken discuss running well, what keeps us on track and get...
Season 8
Episode 139