Jesus Changes People

The Wait Is Over

Ken Hensley and Mike Roncaglia Season 10 Episode 163

Mike and Ken are in their first season of a trilogy of seasons, this season is focused on Christ In Us. In this episode, they look at two verses that come from letters authored by the apostles, Peter and Paul. These verses share the anticipation of Christ in us before His arrival. They also describe how pleased God is when Christ is now realized in Christian’s lives. Ken and Mike discuss the passages each verse comes from, what’s important for us to understand from each, and then how we can apply what we learn to our lives. A listener asks the guys to settle the debate between flowers or a box of chocolates as the gift to give on Valentines day. The Did You Know segment offers an excellent Valentine's date idea. And the guys kick around ways to torpedo a dating a relationship on Valentine's day.

Passages: 1 Peter 1:11, Galatians 1:16

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