Jesus Changes People
A weekly podcast that seeks to uncover the real Jesus and what it means to be a modern-day follower of him. Our goal is to help you know Jesus better and to become more like him.
Jesus Changes People
Why The Law Is Not Greater
In this next section of Galatians, Paul asks why, then, was the law given at all? Up to this point, he’s been proving that what was promised to Abraham is all that is needed. So why have the law then, would be the next logical question someone would ask. Ken and Mike discuss three things that show why the law is not greater. It’s not greater, because it’s temporary, holds second place, and is limited in what it can offer a person. A listener asks the guys to rate their favorite cheeses. What church holiday is celebrated on June the 24th? And the guys add a 9th studio to their repertoire. Who’s got the new digs for this episode?
Passage: Galatians 3:19-22