Jesus Changes People
A weekly podcast that seeks to uncover the real Jesus and what it means to be a modern-day follower of him. Our goal is to help you know Jesus better and to become more like him.
Jesus Changes People
Ken and Mike take a 2 week intermission from Galatians to focus on the Ascension and Pentecost. Following His death and resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days with the apostles, as is covered in the opening verses of Acts chapter 1. During this time, Jesus showed them convincing proofs he was alive, told them to wait for the Holy Spirit, and that they would be His witnesses. Then He ascends to heaven and angels tell them Jesus will be back. Mike and Ken discuss the significance of these events and the applications they have for our lives. A listener wants to know if the guys participated in a youth group and if so, what was that like? Also, who are Tommy and Kooky?
Passage: Acts 1:1-11