Jesus Changes People
A weekly podcast that seeks to uncover the real Jesus and what it means to be a modern-day follower of him. Our goal is to help you know Jesus better and to become more like him.
Jesus Changes People
The Queen Refuses
Chapter 1 of Esther begins with a bang. It lets us know that King Xerxes third year of ruling over the provinces stretching from India to Cush includes a 187 day party. That sounds exhausting! The festivities didn’t end so well when King Xerxes requests Queen Vashti to appear and parade her beauty. She refuses, which leads to a decree that Xerxes will never see her again along with other consequences. Join Ken and Mike as they talk about the allegorical elements of this chapter, which include Vashti and Xerxes. And how the decisions that Xerxes make affect the whole kingdom. Also, fantasy football, a boo baby, and drawings made in church sneak their way into the conversation along with many other rabbit trails.
Passage: Esther 1