Jesus Changes People
A weekly podcast that seeks to uncover the real Jesus and what it means to be a modern-day follower of him. Our goal is to help you know Jesus better and to become more like him.
Jesus Changes People
The Supremacy of Jesus in Redemption
Following his explanation that Jesus has supremacy over all creation, Paul next lets the Colossians know Jesus is superior to all others when it comes to re-creation, the redemption of humankind. In this, Jesus is rightfully the head of the church, the firstborn from among the dead, has reconciled all things to himself, having the fullness of God dwelling in Him, so that in everything He might be superior. If the Colossians have given themselves to Jesus, they have nothing to fear. Join Ken and Mike as they break down these verses, with the hope of helping us find the same confidence in Jesus as the Colossians.
Passage: Colossians 1:18-23