Paul skips his regular thankfulness for those he’s writing to and launches right into reprimanding the Galatians. He does so because the Galatians are in danger of rejecting the gospel for a phony, knock-off message. Paul loves them too much to let that happen. And he’ll even speak hard words to keep them from fully deserting God and the gospel message. Mike and Ken discuss Paul’s rebuke and how it translates to us today. It’s almost Valentine’s day. Will the guys mention it at all or have they totally forgotten? And what causes them to consult AI for an answer?
Passage: Galatians 1:6-9
Paul skips his regular thankfulness for those he’s writing to and launches right into reprimanding the Galatians. He does so because the Galatians are in danger of rejecting the gospel for a phony, knock-off message. Paul loves them too much to let that happen. And he’ll even speak hard words to keep them from fully deserting God and the gospel message. Mike and Ken discuss Paul’s rebuke and how it translates to us today. It’s almost Valentine’s day. Will the guys mention it at all or have they totally forgotten? And what causes them to consult AI for an answer?
Passage: Galatians 1:6-9