While there is some debate among translations whether this section of Scripture is original or not, it certainly fits with how Jesus treated people. The religious leaders have found a lady who committed adultery. Under Jewish law, the punishment for adultery was death. But it’s obvious from the story that these religious leaders are more interested in tripping up Jesus than they are about honoring the law. In fact, they are willing to embarrass and humiliate another person in order to accomplish their goal. In a grand illustration of his wisdom, Jesus offers those who have never sinned the opportunity to cast the first stone. Interestingly, it’s the older ones who walk away first. Jesus reassures the lady he is not there to condemn her and encourages her to make better choices in the future.
Passage: John 8:1-11
While there is some debate among translations whether this section of Scripture is original or not, it certainly fits with how Jesus treated people. The religious leaders have found a lady who committed adultery. Under Jewish law, the punishment for adultery was death. But it’s obvious from the story that these religious leaders are more interested in tripping up Jesus than they are about honoring the law. In fact, they are willing to embarrass and humiliate another person in order to accomplish their goal. In a grand illustration of his wisdom, Jesus offers those who have never sinned the opportunity to cast the first stone. Interestingly, it’s the older ones who walk away first. Jesus reassures the lady he is not there to condemn her and encourages her to make better choices in the future.
Passage: John 8:1-11