Jesus Changes People
A weekly podcast that seeks to uncover the real Jesus and what it means to be a modern-day follower of him. Our goal is to help you know Jesus better and to become more like him.
Podcasting since 2022 • 159 episodes
Jesus Changes People
Latest Episodes
The Power Of Maybe
The guys are spending a couple of their holiday season episodes with a New Year’s focus on the power of yes, no, and maybe. In this episode, Ken and Mike conclude their holiday season with the power of maybe. They discuss waiting on God, who Go...
Season 9
Episode 159
The Power Of No
The guys are spending a couple of their holiday season episodes with a New Year’s focus on the power of yes, no, and maybe. In this episode, Mike and Ken explore the power of no. They discuss how we say no, what we say no to, who helps us say n...
Season 9
Episode 158
The Power Of Yes
The guys shift in their holiday season from the Christmas focus of God with us to a New Year’s focus on the power of yes, no, and maybe. Ken and Mike will spend the three remaining episodes in this season on yes, no, and maybe. In this episode,...
Season 9
Episode 157